CHARGE affects distance.) PANDA (GENMA) - CHICHI NO IKARI (OSHIOKIHEN) Y and B at the same time, from throw range. She's not invulnerable in it, though.) SHIPPU BAKURETSUKEN CHARGE, then TOWARDS or AWAY. (Two high kicks) SHOUMAKUUHAKEN Y and B at the same time. CHARGE=Distance) AKANE - NIDAN MAWASHI GERI TOWARDS opponent and B. (Rushes at your opponent with Chinese maces. (Leaps into the air feet-first, to the top of the screen, then comes back down.) MOUGEKI TOTSUJINHA CHARGE, then TOWARDS or AWAY. (Head stomp) RYOUGA RETSUSHOU KYAKU Y and B at the same time. CHARGE=Number.) SHAMPOO - KAKATO OTOSHI JUMP TOWARDS, then push DOWN and B. Rocks roll along the ground at your opponent, CHARGE=Range) BANDANA NAGE CHARGE, then TOWARDS or AWAY. (An explosion of energy appears before you, like a full-strength version of Ranma's MOUKO TAKABISHA move.) BAKUSAI TENKETSU CHARGE, then DOWN. (Comes down on their heads with your umbrella) SHISHI HOUKOUDAN Y and B at the same time. (Pokes an umbrella at your opponent) TOBI KASA TSUKI JUMP TOWARDS, then press DOWN and B. Honda's 100-hands punch in SF2) RYOUGA - KASA TSUKI TOWARDS and B. Longer CHARGE time = bigger explosion) KACHUU TENSHIN AMAGURIKEN Press Y or B rapidly. (An explosion of blue energy appears directly in front of you. (Hurricane Punch, a little like a dragon punch) MOUKO TAKABISHA CHARGE, then TOWARDS or AWAY from your opponent. (A head-stomp move) HIRYUU SHOUTENHA Press Y and B at the same time. (A rolling kick, longer range with higher CHARGE) (As Ranma-chan, this is a rolling elbow move instead) FUMITSUKE Jump towards your opponent, then press DOWN and B. (CHARGE, then DOWN, means to hold it for a few seconds, then push DOWN on the direction pad and release the Heavy attack button.) RANMA (both) - KAITEN KICK CHARGE, then DOWN. 'CHARGE' means to hold down a Heavy attack button for a second or two, then release it and point in the direction given. (Happosai can double-jump too, actually.) Moves List: Here's a description of all of the special moves (other than throws and "normal" moves that just involve hitting a button at the right distance). Shampoo can steer herself anywhere on the screen if you use this. Ranma-kun, Ranma-chan, and Shampoo can double-jump - when at the peak of their jump, hit X a second time for more height. If you can describe exactly when to hit the button, let me know. Reducing throw damage (this is documented) if you hit the attack buttons with the right timing after being thrown, you will land on your feet and take about half normal damage from the throw. (If your opponent is on your right, throw them to your left.) Gosunkugi and Happosai are the exceptions - they do more damage with the Heavy attack button, regardless which direction they throw. Better throw damage - most characters do more damage if they throw their opponent over their heads. Using Heavy Attacks and Charging a move at the same time - if you define more than one button as your Heavy attack, you can hold one of them down to charge, and use the other to attack with. By default, Y is your Light attack button, B is your Heavy attack button. Normally, you have to win a game (at any difficulty level) against the computer in order to use Tarou in the Scenario mode. Configuration Screen will appear The characters in this game, clockwise from the top of the selection screen, are: Ranma-kun (male) Ranma-chan (female) Akane Shampoo Mousse Ukyou Panda (Genma, Ranma's father) Gosunkugi Gambler King Ryouga In Duel mode, you can also choose Pansuto Tarou (human or minotaur form). Continue Holding until next match begins 4.
#Sonic frontiers sfc 1 code
Sonic Frontiers SFC-1 on MUST BE COLLECTED NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!!07448026294 text.Ranma 1/2, Part 2 (SFC) Ranma 1/2 (SNES) **** Important Note - The following is for both the SFC Ranma 1/2, Part 2 and also the SNES Ranma 1/2 **** Configuration Code 1.
#Sonic frontiers sfc 1 manual
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